Monday, March 28, 2011


Pretty much ever since Dman was born we have been co-sleepers. We started co-sleeping for several reasons:

1. Dman would stop breathing in his sleep, if I held him my mommy instincts would kick in and I would know when something wasn't right.
2. Daddy left for training 3 weeks after Dman was born, having him sleep with mommy allowed both of us to sleep better.
3. Daddy and Mommy LOVE Dman snuggles
4. Its comforting for all of us.

Well, as much as I love having him in bed with me every night, I am starting to realize the importance of "me" time. Which by the way, is near impossible when you eat, sleep, shower, play, relax with you child every day. And to be 100% honest, I am starting to feel a little worn out. I am craving some time to just sit or lay by myself and wind down (with out being kicked in my back by cute little feet). So, I have made the decision to move Dman into his own bed. It have thought about this for awhile now, and I feel like in order for me to be the best mom I can be for him, I need to fulfill some of my own needs to prevent me from feeling too worn out.  I know in my mind that this is really the best thing for us, but I feel guilty at the same time, because sleeping with mommy is all that Dman has known. 

So, over the next few weeks I will be working on getting Dman to sleep independently. I am expecting it to be a long and tiring process, but praying that in the end it will be what we both need.

1 comment:

  1. We did the co-sleeping together for Evan. But the more kids we had, the less time we had "Our" own personal space as a married couple. So they all sleep in there own beds. But I believe its whatever floats your boat. I just wanted my own space. However, until my children were 1 year old, they slept in their crib a foot away from me.
